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1001 Stories Collection

Artichoke Hearts

1001 artichokehearts
Added on 09th July 2020

Author Sita Brahmachari
First published 2011
Publisher Pan Macmillan, London, UK

Family School Friends

A story about friendship and family, love and bereavement.


Just as 12-year-old Mira is beginning to grow up and fall in love, her beloved Grandma Josie is dying. Feeling lost in the chaos her life has become, Mira takes solace in her diary. The more she writes, the more secrets she catches, learning with each day that passes just how complicated human hearts can be.

Why we chose it

A story about friendship and family, love and grief which explores themes of bereavement and loss, growing up and finding your place in the world

Where it came from

Watching her children with their grandmother, Brahmachari found the seed for a story of the love and learning shared between generations in a family. Beginning with the bizarre and beautiful idea of an artichoke charm, the book took off from there.

Where it went next

Artichoke Hearts was enormously successful, being nominated for four book awards and winning another two including the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize. It’s since gone on to be an international success, getting published in America under the new name Mira in the Present Tense.

Associated stories

Jasmine Skies (2012) follows Mira on the second great adventure of her life as she visits India for the first time. Meanwhile Tender Earth (2017) is all about Mira’s sister, Laila, as she grows and explores her own connection with Grandma Josie. Brahmachari’s other books include Kite Spirit, Red Leaves and Where the River Runs Gold.

Added on 09th July 2020

Author Sita Brahmachari
First published 2011
Publisher Pan Macmillan, London, UK

Family School Friends