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{: event.dates :} {: event.dateDescription :}
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1001 Stories Collection

Cat and Mouse

1001 catandmouse
Added on 11th December 2020

Oral tradition European folk tale

Europe Animals Fables
1001 , Audio , Text

A mouse barks to save her family


Cat and Mouse is the story of a mouse who barks like a dog to save her family from a cat. There are a number of versions of the story. In one it's a baby mouse who believes he is a dog and barks to scare a cat away. In another mother mouse barks to keep her children safe.

Why We Chose It

Cat and Mouse is a great joke story. It was one of the stories included in Suddenly A Star, our Christmas show in 2020. A version called Language Lesson was one of the stories in our original audio stories project. It used the story to make a point about the benefits of learning a second language!

Added on 11th December 2020

Oral tradition European folk tale

Europe Animals Fables
1001 , Audio , Text

Story Resources

  • Language Lesson story text PDF (182.44 KB)