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1001 Stories Collection

Honey and Trouble

1001 honeyandtrouble
Added on 29th June 2020

Oral tradition Haitian folktale

North and Central America Animals
1001 , Audio , Storymap

The story, also known as Monkey And Misery or The Monkey Who Asked For Misery, follows the fortunes of a monkey who asks for something without truly understanding what he is asking.


A monkey confuses honey with trouble and finds a lot of trouble before he realises his mistake.

Why we chose it

Honey and Trouble was one of the stories in our original audio stories collection. These stories are particularly suitable for learning to retell. This is a great comedy story that's a lot of fun to tell.

Where it came from

The story is found in Haiti and, with variations, across the Caribbean.

Where it went next

A written version called Monkey and Misery can be found in Hugh Lupton’s Tales of Wisdom and Wonder. The story is in Chris Smith’s 147 Traditional Stories for Primary School Children to Retell.

Added on 29th June 2020

Oral tradition Haitian folktale

North and Central America Animals
1001 , Audio , Storymap

Story Resources

  • Honey and Trouble story map PDF (253.43 KB)