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1001 Stories Collection

My Side of the Mountain

1001 My Sideof he Mountain
Added on 20th August 2020

Author Jean Craighead George
First published 1959
Publisher E.P. Dutton

Animals Action and adventure Environment and nature

14 year old Sam sets out to live in the wild and survive in the wilderness.


14-year-old Sam Gribley hates his family’s crowded New York apartment and sets off to his great-grandfather’s abandoned farm in the Catskill Mountains to live off the land. He arrives to find that the farmhouse is just rubble but, with the help of survival guides from the local library, he figures out how to forage and hunt, make a home in a tree, and even how to tame a hawk.

Why we chose it

Although written and set in 1950s America My Side of the Mountain has a timeless appeal to children who enjoy animals and the natural world. As Sam Gribley discovers the importance of courage, independence and perseverance, young readers can enjoy the vivid descriptions of everyday life in the wilderness and learn about the practicalities of survival.

Where it came from

Born in Washington DC to a family of naturalists, Jean Craighead George spent her weekends building dens, foraging and observing animals.

After studying English and science she worked as a journalist, then became an author, writing more than 100 much-loved books for children and young people including the award-winning Julie of the Wolves.

Over the years George shared her home with 173 wild animals who came and went with the seasons, as well as numerous cats and dogs.

Where it went next

My Side of the Mountain was made into a film in 1969 set in Quebec, Canada.

Associated stories

After 30 years George wrote four more sequels, beginning with The Other Side of the Mountain.

Added on 20th August 2020

Author Jean Craighead George
First published 1959
Publisher E.P. Dutton

Animals Action and adventure Environment and nature