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Find out what a visit to The Story Museum looks like by watching our short video

1001 mzekidogo
Added on 01st July 2020

Oral tradition Folktale from Tanzania

Africa Animals Environment and nature
1001 , Audio , Text

Underestimating an old lady is never a good idea as shown in this oral story.


A skinny old lady becomes very fat and outwits a lion, a leopard and a bear.

Why we chose it

Mze Kidogo was one of the stories in The Story Museum’s original audio stories collection. These stories are particularly suitable for learning to retell.

Where it came from

Storyteller Adam Guillain heard the story while living in Tanzania and working on a VSO project with Zanzibari children.

Added on 01st July 2020

Oral tradition Folktale from Tanzania

Africa Animals Environment and nature
1001 , Audio , Text

Story Resources

  • Mze Kidogo story text PDF (203.661 KB)