My Itinerary ({: itinerary.length :})

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{: event.title :}

{: event.dates :} {: event.dateDescription :}
{: item :}
Suitable for {: item :}

Here Be Dragons co-curated by Cressida Cowell and Toothless - opens 13 July. Admission included with ticket to the Galleries

1001 Stories Collection

People Are Cruel

1001 peoplearecruel
Added on 07th July 2020

Oral tradition Haitian folktale

Other stories , Audio

A folktale that explores the behaviour of humanity towards the rest of creation.

This was one of the stories in our original audio stories collection. These stories are particularly suitable for learning to retell.

A story with similar themes is the Indian folktale The Tiger and the Brahmin.

Added on 07th July 2020

Oral tradition Haitian folktale

Other stories , Audio