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{: event.dates :} {: event.dateDescription :}
{: item :}
Suitable for {: item :}

Here Be Dragons co-curated by Cressida Cowell and Toothless - opens 13 July. Admission included with ticket to the Galleries

1001 Stories Collection

The Brave Weaver

Peter Chand The Brave Weaver
Added on 03rd February 2021

Oral tradition Folktale from India

Other stories , Video , Resource pack

A weaver defeats a huge elephant, a man eating tiger and 500 armed men.

The Brave Weaver was one of our Stories from the Woodshed in February 2021. Our first season of stories was inspired by the tales of the Brothers Grimm. Peter Chand told an Indian version of Grimm tale The Little Brave Tailor.

Added on 03rd February 2021

Oral tradition Folktale from India

Other stories , Video , Resource pack

Learning Resources

  • 1001 Brave Weaver Resource Pack PDF (695.919 KB)