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Half Price Small Worlds sessions, Tues-Fri at 14:45

1001 Stories Collection

The Hundred and One Dalmatians

1001 The Hundredand One Dalmations
Added on 06th August 2020

Author Dodie Smith
First published 1956
Publisher Heinemann, New Hampshire, USA

Animals Action and adventure Family

Pongo and Missus head a rescue mission to find their stolen puppies.


After their puppies disappear, Pongo and Missis turn to the ‘Twilight Barking’ to track them down. Their search turns into a rescue mission when they discover their pups have been stolen to be made into fur coats. It’s up to Pongo and Missis to bring them safely back to London before it’s too late!

Why we chose it

A classic story featuring one of the iconic villains of children’s literature - and some of the best loved animal heroes.

Where it came from

Dodie Smith (1896-1990), English novelist and playwright, was herself an avid dog-lover, owning nine pet Dalmatians during her life (the first of which was named Pongo). Smith got the idea for the story when one of her friends casually remarked “Those dogs would make a lovely fur coat”.

Where it went next

In 1961, the novel was adapted by Walt Disney into the animated classic, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, with an animated sequel released in 2003. The film was remade as a live action movie in 1996 with a sequel 102 Dalmatians four years later. The 1996 film was followed in America by an animated television series featuring three of the dalmatians. There have been several stage adaptations and a musical is in production to be performed in Regents Park where the story was set.

A picture book edition adapted by Peter Bently with illustrations by Steven Lenton was published in 2017.

Associated stories

Pongo and Missus and the puppies continue their adventures in the 1967 sequel, The Starlight Barking. Other books by Dodie Smith include I Capture the Castle (1948).

Added on 06th August 2020

Author Dodie Smith
First published 1956
Publisher Heinemann, New Hampshire, USA

Animals Action and adventure Family