My Itinerary ({: itinerary.length :})

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Access-friendly day Saturday 14 September - suitable for ALL particularly those who prefer a more relaxed experience

1001 Stories Collection

The Mustard Seed

1001 themustardseed
Added on 01st July 2020

Oral tradition Buddhist story

Middle East Fables

In this parable Buddha helps a mother comes to terms with the death of her child.


A woman asks the Buddha to bring her dead child back to life. He tells her to bring him mustard seeds from a house that has never known death. She cannot find one and realises that death comes to every house.

Why we chose it

A gentle story about coming to terms with death.

Where it came from

The Mustard Seed is a well-known Buddhist parable

Where it went next

A written version can be found in Arab Folktales (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library) by Inea Bushnaq

Added on 01st July 2020

Oral tradition Buddhist story

Middle East Fables