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Here Be Dragons co-curated by Cressida Cowell and Toothless - opens 13 July. Admission included with ticket to the Galleries

1001 Stories Collection

The Tiger Skin

1001 thetigerskin
Added on 08th July 2020

Oral tradition Indian story

Asia Fables
1001 , Audio

Appearances can be deceiving according to this story from the Punjab.


Guru Gobind Singh uses a tired old donkey and a tiger skin to teach his followers a lesson about appearances.

Why we chose it

The Tiger Skin was one of the stories in our original audio story collection. These stories are particularly suitable for learning to retell.

Where it came from

The story is from the Punjab in north west India. Storyteller Peter Chand recorded it for our audio collection.

Added on 08th July 2020

Oral tradition Indian story

Asia Fables
1001 , Audio