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1001 Stories Collection

Time Travelling with a Hamster

1001 Time Travelling With A Hamster
Added on 14th August 2020

Author Ross Welford
First published 2015
Publisher Harper Collins

Action and adventure Family Funny Friends

Al find his father's untested time machine.


Time Travelling with a Hamster opens with Al, a twelve year old boy, introducing us to his Dad’s time machine. What follows is Al’s adventures across time, trying to change history, accompanied by his pet Hamster, Alan Shearer.

Why we chose it

A mind boggling time-travelling adventure story.

Where it came from

Ross Welford was born in Cullercots which he uses as the location for his novels with the name Culvercot. He worked as a TV producer before he moved to Sweden and whilst he was a full time dad had the idea for Time Travelling with a Hamster, inspired by the Grandfather Paradox – the idea that if you go back in time and kill your grandfather you can’t be born. He used NaNoWriMo a writing challenge which invites you to write 1000 words a day in the month of November to complete his first draft.

Where it went next

Time Travelling with a Hamster was nominated for 17 awards and won the Awesome Book Awards in 2017.

Associated stories

Ross has gone on to write What Not To Do If You Turn Invisible, The 1000 Year Old Boy and The Dog who saved the World.

Added on 14th August 2020

Author Ross Welford
First published 2015
Publisher Harper Collins

Action and adventure Family Funny Friends